Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm back baby!

So, it's been a little while since I last posted, despite daily twangs of guilt.  I simply have nothing to write about,  I thought blogs were supposed to be for people with cool news to report.  But if I blogged like that this would turn out to be another half assed, half finished project, and I hate those.  Thus, I've decided to use this as maybe a little online diary for the world to read (even though the very vast majority will not).  My life isn't interesting enough to make it anything else.
Thanks for the advice from those of you who left it!  I will take you all up on it and just write.  It turns out that the value of a blog is not found within it's image, but rather its substance?  Who woulda thunk it?  (By the way, I didn't get a little red warning misspell squiggle under the word "thunk", which must mean that it is a real word- who woulda thunk that?)
I've just finished reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I should probably be a little embarrassed that I've only just read it, as it has become the defaulted "great, life changing, hilarious and utterly sad" book that simply everyone says that I simply must read.  I admit that I find myself shying away from things like that naturally.  Not great things, but things that everyone says I simply must do.  Harry Potter.  That was another one. ( i got a little too attached to the characters and stopped reading them mid series because I couldn't take it when they started dying.  I am such a wuss)  But it really was great, and it really was life changing (kinda, a little) and it was hilarious and it was utterly sad in some parts.  I couldn't help but not love the ending though.  I wont give it away, but to my mind it left something to be desired.  If anyone has read it already, let me know your thoughts on the ending.  Also, let me know what books there are that are great but not necessarily obviously so.  (Not self helpy books though, they're not my bag baby).  I am still trying to revive my poor little brain from years of reruns and no school. 


  1. I think blogs should be about ramblings and just general chit chat and if peeps want to read then they can if not then just pass by and don't visit or comment.

    Love the background to your blog - is it one you created or downloaded.

    Thanks for following my blog by the way. Are you interested in craft or just the random ramblings on my blog? hahaha


  2. I always refuse to do things people tell me to do too! My finest example would be the Twilight series. After losing a bet I finally gave in and read them. I won't admit that I kind of liked them....

    Have you read any of the Outlander series? I don't know if you're into those kind of things. Its the romantic/historical/long type of series... But I became OBSESSED with them. I actually had to stop because I couldn't do anything social on the weekends. It was pathetic.
