Sunday, January 9, 2011

The real first one

This is my very first blog.  I have no idea what would possibly make me think that anyone would ever be interested in my blogs.  I have a very ordinary life, and there is nothing interesting to report, which is why I am such a lame Facebooker.  I never update my status, I never "like" things, I'm really a bit of a ludite.  I prefer old fashioned letters and cards, and I'm too paranoid to put any real information about me on the internet (although, what the heck is anyone going to do with my identity?  Good luck getting any credit sucker!).  So, I have very little reason to blog at all.  There is however, something interesting about the idea of an online diary.  I simply couldn't resist.  Hopefully I will be as diligent as I resolved to be when I first decided to start a blog.  For anyone that happens to stumble on this, I apologize for how simple the appearance is.  I've never been a great marketer of myself.  So if my template bores you, I wont hold it against you if you give up on my blogs immediately.  Perhaps a change of font?  The font choices are rather limited I see, but they do have violet!  
Maybe I should read other blogs so I can get a good idea of what people typically put on blogs. In the meantime I will be satisfied with this post being my very first post, and hope that tomorrow's post will have a little more content!  

1 comment:

  1. And if you're really worried about how your blog looks (and trust me...most of us do worry about it!), there are thousands upon thousands of templates and backgrounds out there. I've been through more than I can remember and I've only been doing this since September. What works best for me is a seamless tile background. You can even make one yourself with a graphic that you like that is surrounded by a lot of white space. I made my current background and header using stuff on I may change it soon, tho, it looks a little too...I dunno, scrapbook-y to me!
